Category Archives: Uncategorized

Website For Business #3

Website For Business #3 I am not 100% sure where the theory came from, that to be successful in Business you need to have a website, maybe the Website Developers themselves, came up with the idea, maybe the Business community, not sure, however somewhere it is helping someone make money or a good income. Although […]

Accounts Payable 2.

Accounts Payable is an accounting/ bookkeeping term, which simply relates to the accounts in which you pay as part of running a Business. You receive an invoice in the appropriate manner, with the appropriate information included and then you pay it, according to the terms of payment, although we all know someone’s budget could determine […]

Employing Staff – part 3

Recruitment Process. As a recruiter, whether we have the role of Manager of a company/ Business, Operations Manager, Human Resource Manager, whatever title you may give to the recruitment of staff, then we need to ensure we have a relevant recruitment procedure in place. If you are reading this, then congratulations on recognizing the fact […]

Business Planning Part 2

Financial Year Planning. During the time as a business owner we do our Planning, for the following 12 months, maybe 24 months. Businesses choose to do planning either by the Calendar Year or the financial year, there is no right or wrong way, however the majority of the bigger companies, choose the financial year, as […]

Business Growth Part 1.

Business Growth Part 1. For any Business owner, especially for when we just start a business of, growing your Business is important, normally in the first instance, growing your business, relies on growing your client base, or selling more product or services. However, as your time in Business goes on, there can be a couple […]