Business Assistance Part 1. I often like to talk to Business owners about being a Proactive Business owner rather than a Reactive Business owner, which I believe helps your business. A Reactive Business owner is one who often waits until an issue or problem occurs, and then will try to find a solution or […]
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ecently, ( Oct 2018) I asked a question in the Business Group of Australia, about ” what do people see as their biggest business risk at present ” I was glad to see that no one classed themselves as the biggest risk for their Business. Although there were some interesting answers, including the following Hit […]
Recently a question was asked in a Facebook group, about whether a person can become a Business Coach if they have never run a successful business themselves. I relate this back to a Sports coach, there are many of coaches out there coaching a particular sport, at any level, who have never played the game […]
Today, I thought I would look at the event Planning industry, and a couple of items they need to be thinking of, especially in light of the risk management area of their event planning. Some of these processes are what the Emergency Services, Security Service providers, Event Health/ First Aid Service providers consider prior to […]
How Can A Mentor Help You? In this week’s blog, we are going to look at Mentors. I will say some of the information, is obtained through Google, and like most things can be interpreted differently, depending on who is reading the information. We are going to look at what mentoring is, we are going […]
A policy is basically a set of rules which aim to give everyone a guide on how to act or behave in the workplace, there are many different issues which are covered in a set of policies. A Procedure may discuss who is responsible for what within the organization and include how to complete a […]
Support in which a Business Owner should consider. So in recent weeks, months or years you have or you are thinking of starting a Business, what sort of help should you consider finding, is included here, and some of the help may be the difference between success and failure in your Business, depending on your […]
Firstly, Happy New Year to all my readers, let us hope 2019 is better than 2018 and our Businesses continue to grow, thank you to all who have supported me during the year. Probably like many in recent weeks, I have been looking at my goals, aims for 2018, etc, and ticking off what I […]
No matter where you are up to within your Business Operations, for example just thinking of starting a business or been in Business for 10 + years, research and surveys can be beneficial for your Business. By being able to survey your potential clients, current client, Past clients, it can help you understand the market […]
Often as business owners or even in the residential setting, we think of security and think if we put in an Alarm system and/or a camera/ CCTV system then our security issues should be solved and nothing will ever happen. As a Licensed Security Advisor in Victoria Lic 81898361S, I can tell you this is […]