The Financial year, is a period of time from July 1 to June 30, and whilst it is still a 12-month time frame, the financial year seems to go quicker and quicker, and before we know we are in Mid June, and the next financial year, is fast approaching us. Therefore it often sneaks up […]
Monthly Archives: February 2021
It can depend on your industry, and the growth of your Business, as to the time it might take you to get to the stage of employing your Office staff, and growing your business. Part of what I am referring to here is looking at what order to employ staff, and considering whether it is […]
Thought as another business Owner, I would write about what I believe is a purpose of a website for a business, and please take into consideration I am not a website designer, developer, or experienced IT Person. When as a Business owner we decide to have a website presence, we really need to consider and […]
Financial Year Planning. During the time as a business owner we do our Planning, for the following 12 months, maybe 24 months. Businesses choose to do planning either by the Calendar Year or the financial year, there is no right or wrong way, however the majority of the bigger companies, choose the financial year, as […]
Business Growth Part 1. For any Business owner, especially for when we just start a business of, growing your Business is important, normally in the first instance, growing your business, relies on growing your client base, or selling more product or services. However, as your time in Business goes on, there can be a couple […]
I should thank William Siebler for the thought of this blogs topic, as it was after his post on facebook that got me thinking. One of the things William mentioned was service providers being like Doctors, in people go to them for assistance with their medical problems, whereas here for Businesses it is like going […]
Welcome to this week’s blog. Today, I wanted to look at the old comment out there, I have competitors who offer the same service or product at a cheaper rate than me, they always undercut the competition which makes it difficult for others to survive. I just wanted to reassure everyone, this is normal in […]
Whilst meeting with a couple of clients this morning in a group Mentoring session, I was asked about whether someone should keep referring work to another Business, despite that business never referring work back to their referrer. This one is a difficult one for me to answer, as I know within most Business groups I […]
I recently completed a poll in a facebook group, where I posted the question, about what plans Business owners have to improve their Business in the 2018/19 Financial year. Whilst disappointed that only around .4 % of the group responded, however, we must understand in any of our polls, questions with our audience, there will […]
We have now almost finished the first week of the new financial year, and now is the time to consider if you have not already, what you are going to do differently in the new financial year to improve and grow your business, or whether you are happy with the direction and everything you are […]